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Dotfiles/Configuration for my personal development machines using Windows with WSL 2 as main environment.

Linux distribution

Using openSUSE Tumbleweed for extensive software repositories frequent updates. Tumbleweed is available directly for WSL via the Microsoft Store.

A graphical package search for openSUSE distros is available online.

Basic distro installation/configuration

The base install (system packages and configuration) is performed with Ansible.


The Z shell (zsh) is used as the primary interactive shell. There is also a basic bash config but zsh is preferred.

On windows if Powershell is not an option, regular cmd can be improved with Clink.

TODO: document in a shell sub page that on tumbleweed /etc/zprofile is sourcing /etc/profile which provides variables such as LESS and also /etx/zshrc sets up some things such as LS_OPTIONS.


Helpful resource: sourceforge zsh guide

Startup files:

  1. /etc/zshenv
  2. ~/.zshenv -> here $ZDOTDIR can be set to unclutter the home directory
  3. ...

Shell aliases

Cross-shell and -platform alias management is enabled via aliae.

Configuration for other tools

